CJ Projects

Carbon Jacked Projects

Nature Positive Projects

Thursday 4 January 2024

Our projects are second to none. Unlike others, our memberships are not based on carbon offsetting or making you carbon neutral. They're based on funding and supporting the projects that will have the biggest impact and inspiring people to connect with nature.

We support incredible projects that inspire people to get out into nature, have fun and protect our planet. Take a look at our project selection criteria here. All of our projects also support the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (if you don't know what they are, you should - they're class).

Alright, so what are these unreal projects...

Our UK National Park Projects

Peak District - Native tree planting on the Monsal Trail

The popular and magnificent Monsal Trail is being threatened by Ash Dieback Disease which will result in a major tragic loss of trees. We are supporting in removing diseased trees and replacing them with native trees along the route that won't be affected by the disease. This will restore woodland, protect wildlife and make sure that the network of paths and trails remain safe and free for everyone to get out and enjoy.

Check out Jess explaining the project:

Peak District - Restoring peatland & capturing carbon

Peatlands are the UK's largest carbon store, with 20 million tonnes of carbon stored in the Peak District alone, but when they're damaged the start to release CO2 into the atmosphere... Over 80% of Peak District moorland is damaged, so we're funding vital moorland restoration. Not only will this improve the amount of carbon they can absorb and store, but will also support biodiversity and natural flood management.

Our sewage prevention projects

If you live near a river or the sea in the UK, you’ll no doubt have heard about - and even smelt - the raw sewage being pumped into our waters. Not only is it disgusting and stops people from enjoying nature, but it’s also making people ill and causing major environmental damage. To do our bit, we’re supporting two of the organisations doing the most to fix the problem and protect the public.

Surfers Against Sewage

Surfers Against Sewage are an epic grassroots organisation that has been tirelessly campaigning to help people swim safely, tackle plastic pollution, and hold the government & water companies to account over the sewage scandal. They also work on the massively under-reported issue of protecting and restoring our oceans.

As well as their campaigning work, they organise monster beach cleans (over 1 million miles of beach, rivers and streets cleaned in 2023 alone), and help people to get out into nature to swim safely through their sewage alert tracker.

Surfers against sewage

The Good Law Project’s Clean Waters case

There may not be much romanticism in complex legal cases and court proceedings about the minutiae of regulations and legislation, but there could be justice, which is why we support the Good Law Project’s legal action against 'unconscionable and unlawful' sewage pollution.

They think the government’s actions that allow the water companies to dump sewage into our waters at alarming rates are unlawful, so they’re taking the government to court to force them to act.

The good law project's clean water case

And if you want to learn more about the sewage issue in general, check out our marvellous explainer below.

Our international projects

Forestry Projects

We love forests. They have countless benefits and are one of the best defences we have against climate change. They remove CO2 from the atmosphere and support biodiversity. But they're under threat, with the United Nations estimating that 420 million hectares (1 billion acres) of forest have been lost since 1990.

The need is dire and widespread which has led us to support two projects. One protects the forests we have, the other plants new ones.

Forest & wildlife protection - Ntakata Mountains, Carbon Tanzania

carbon tanzania nature positive project

We've partnered with Carbon Tanzania on their forest conservation project in Ntakata Mountains in Tanzania to protect the forests we have.

Carbon Tanzania's approach allows the local community to earn revenues from protecting forest that would otherwise be destroyed, which in turn supports biodiversity and other social benefits. The project protects 216,994 hectares of forest in the Greater Mahale ecosystem of Western Tanzania, which is home to endangered species such as the eastern chimpanzee. Since it started in 2017, it's prevented 5 million trees from being cut down, avoiding 1,286,000 tonnes of CO2 from being released into the atmosphere - take a look at the full impact report.

The project also supports multiple United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, including through investments in infrastructure and healthcare, creating jobs and access to education, and improving gender equality.

Carbon Tanzania's forest-based carbon credits are internationally certified, regularly verified, and have demonstrated measurable social and biodiversity benefits. Ntakata Mountains is verified under the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) and the Climate, Community & Biodiversity (CCB) standard.

Tree planting & coastline regeneration - Madagascar

We support reforestation projects around the world including Madagascar, Mozambique, Haiti and Colombia. A fantastic example of this is in Madagascar, which is unlike anywhere else on the planet. It's home to over 200,000 species of animals and plants that don't exist anywhere else, but over 90% of their original forests have been destroyed. We've partnered with Eden Reforestation Projects to reverse this.

Eden's work in Madagascar is focused on mangroves, which are essential ecosystems that serve as an anchor for the soil and coastline, preventing erosion and creating a barrier against harsh weather. But most importantly, they're unbelievable carbon sinks (literally sucking CO2 out of the atmosphere). Don't just take our word for it, check out the WWF's explainer. Their project has also now expanded to include other forms of reforestation in the drier, inland parts of the country.

We're also huge fans of the approach that Eden take to reforestation. Most deforestation is tied to extreme poverty, so they employ villagers to plant trees, which lifts them out of poverty while rebuilding Madagascar's natural habitat.

Our community project

Solar cookers for refugee families in Chad

The war in Darfur has led to more than 200,000 Sudanese refugees fleeing to Chad. To stay alive, they're left with no option but to burn wood to cook on open fires, which releases CO2 into the atmosphere. Not only is this bad for the planet, but women and children are regularly harassed and abducted travelling long distances to collect the wood.

To combat this, the Fair Climate Fund distributes solar CooKits, which use a simple design to harness the plentiful sunshine to cook, reducing the amount of CO2 released into the atmosphere and improves women's safety. To date more than 7000 solar CooKits have been distributed, which have helped over 15,000 refugees and reduced 52,000 tonnes of CO2.

solar cookers in chad

For us this is the power of climate finance in action. Money being directed to those most in need, who otherwise wouldn't have received help, leading to multiple positive benefits alongside a substantial reduction in CO2. The Fair Climate Fund's project is verified under the Gold Standard for the Global Goals, which is one of the leading international standards for certifying climate projects.

Our renewable energy project

Musi River Hydro

The big picture is that we're severely over-reliant on fossil fuels for energy. We'll only break this dependence if we invest in and build reliable sources of renewable energy.

This is why our memberships support a fantastic hydropower project in rural Sumatra in Indonesia, with hydro being one of the best and most consistent ways of generating power. The project generates over 700,000 units of clean energy every year, which in turn reduces emissions by over half a million tonnes each year. Our project does a lot more than just cut emissions, it supports an orphanage, roads and public services, as well as creating 50 permanent jobs. It's also funded an extensive reforestation programme to protect the natural landscape and given training to the local community on using the land sustainably. That's what we call sustainable development.

The project is verified under Verified Carbon Standard to ensure the awesome benefits are being met.

sustainability development goals

Additional high impact giving - effective altruism

Through the Centre for Effective Altruism UK we support their associated Climate Change Fund. Through rational thinking and extensive academic research, the fund selects the highest impact environmental projects to support such as the work of the Clean Air Taskforce.

Our UK community work

Carbon Jacked also supports causes in the local community close to its heart. As we grow, and with your support, we intend to do even more.

Zero emission food bank and clothing collection service

southwark community food bank carbon neutral delivery carbon jacked projects

Supporting the Trussell Trust and Pecan in Peckham, we started the service to increase food bank supplies over what turned out to be a rather bleak winter, as well as raise awareness of the impact food waste has on climate change (see the link between food waste, food banks & emissions).

Running this in and around our South London community took on even more significance for us with the news that Unicef would be providing food parcels to Southwark- the first time there has been a need for Unicef to feed hungry children in the UK in its 70-year history.

We soon added clothing to our collection service. We think there's no better place to buy your get-up than a charity shop, especially one as good as CRISIS in Peckham (it's as swanky, wanky and edgy as you'd imagine… and we love it). By making it easier for people to donate clothes emissions free we encourage people to buy second hand and generate revenue for the charity CRISIS. They're a wonderful charity that provide vital help so that homeless people can rebuild their lives.

Hit us up if you want to get involved.

Stay Green,

The CJ Team x