Green grass field with green trees during daylight
Green grass field with green trees during daylight

Employee engagement

Reaching Net Zero: Why you need to educate your employees

Sustainability L&D

Monday 6 March 2023

Reaching Net Zero isn’t just about your operations. You can set all the targets you want, but if your employees don't understand what you’re doing or how they can help, you'll never succeed.

A good sustainability L&D programme can educate your employees and help you reach Net Zero, but what does a good programme look like?

How to get employee education wrong

  • Ignore sustainability as an L&D topic altogether
  • Trot out an off-the-shelf solution that has no relevance to your business
  • Make your employees sit through a training course so boring it makes them want to speed up planetary destruction rather than reverse it... you know the type we’re talking about
  • Provide one-off training that doesn’t leave the classroom or lead to any long-term behaviour change

How to get employee education right

  1. Make it relevant to your business – effective L&D should be tailored to your business, how you operate and what you’re already doing on sustainability
  2. Make it genuinely engaging – it can’t be a science lecture. It needs to be thought-provoking, engaging and fun
  3. Make it long-term – any worthwhile L&D needs to have an effective way for employees to take what they learnt with them into their day jobs

How we can help

At Carbon Jacked, we combine genuine sustainability expertise with a background in science-based behavioural insights to provide training sessions that are genuinely tailored, engaging and relevant for your staff.

We speak to you to find out how your business operates and what you care about, which we use to design and deliver a training programme that will embed sustainability into the DNA of your people.

We can also help you build broader employee engagement programmes which you can read about here.

If you want to find out more about our sustainability L&D training programmes get in touch with us at and we can set up a chat.

Stay green,

The CJ Team x