CJ Projects
Removing plastic pollution from our oceans
Remove Ocean Plastics
Why we do what we do
Ocean plastic pollution is an omnishambles. Yes, to resolve it we need wholesale international policy, infrastructure and process change BUT we’re not just going to sit around and wait for that, so we're also playing our part.
What we do
We’re an environmental start-up that helps businesses and their employees combat climate change. For us saving the planet shouldn’t be boring, so we’re doing something about it.
What we do about plastic pollution
- Campaign for policy change
- Do beach cleans (I mean it’s not just beach cleans - we do them anywhere out in nature, but park clean sounds less cool)
- Support epic projects that remove plastic pollution from our ocean
- Get new people involved in the movement
- Help organisations on plastic literacy (businesses, charities, schools, the lot)
- Review & promote plastic-free products
What we don't do
- Get too preachy
- Say you can never use plastic again
- Give up
If you want to work with us or you think your organisation should do their bit and help protect this incredible planet, you can drop us an email at enquiries@carbonjacked.com. Or for more info, you can check out our:
- Employee Sustainability Platform & Business Services
- The Climate Games for Universities
- The epic environmental projects we fund
If you’re a charity or individual who is interested in our Sustainability Platform but can’t afford it, drop us a line as we’re free for those who can’t afford 🫶
Stay wild,