
Prescribing Sustainability

Touch Medical Media

Thursday 7 March 2024

For Touch Medical Media, sustainability is one of their five-a-day🍏

Over the past year, we’ve been working with the top-class medical education experts -Touch Medical Media - to help them understand and improve their environmental impact.

Being a remote, digital company that produces no physical products, it would have been easy for Touch to take a back seat when it comes to sustainability (like a lot of companies out there...). But Touch knew that grabbing that EV wheel was crucial.

Touch’s sustainability five-a-day:

  1. EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT IN SUSTAINABILITY: from day 1 Touch knew it was important to bring their employees along on their sustainability journey because it would have been impossible to achieve anything without them. Touch provides its employees with tailored Carbon Jacked employee memberships, which help them get up to speed on sustainability, improve their wellbeing by getting out into nature, and help them take personal action.
  2. BASELINE CARBON FOOTPRINT ASSESSMENT: this year we completed Touch’s baseline carbon footprint assessment, covering the entire group’s Scope 1, 2 & 3 emissions – no stone was left unturned. The assessment put in place the foundations to understand and manage their impact so that they can start to reduce their emissions year-on-year.
  3. REDUCING ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: Touch’s baseline carbon footprint assessment shed light on areas that contributed the most emissions, meaning they are now well-equipped to reduce their impact. We provided Touch with a detailed set of recommendations to reduce their largest sources of emissions – including engaging employees to reduce emissions from homeworking, business travel and the purchase of home office equipment.
  4. SUPPLIER ENGAGEMENT: a large part of Touch’s footprint comes from the services they outsource to other organisations. Although it’s difficult to directly control these emissions, we’re working hard to understand their work on sustainability and encourage them to make positive changes.

You can check out the technical details on Touch’s dashing Carbon Jacked Climate Action Page.

If you want to find out more about our sustainability services get in touch with us at

Stay green,

The CJ Team x