Explainers & Tips
What on Earth is Biodiversity?
Explainer Series
What on Earth is Biodiversity?
Let's break it down:
- "Bio" = life
- "Diversity" = different
So "biodiversity" is basically the different varieties of life on Earth.
This includes all the different plants, animals, bacteria, and essentially every other living thing and where they live.
All of these different components are fundamental to keeping the world operating properly.
Why is biodiversity so important?
We can't lose an animal here... a plant there... without everything starting to fall apart. It's like a moving car - you can't just take away a wheel and expect it not to crash.
We are dependent on biodiversity for everything from the food we eat to the air we breathe.
Biodiversity also protects us from diseases and natural disasters.
We need biodiversity to survive.
What is happening to the Earth's biodiversity?
In short, humans are wrecking biodiversity.
Wildlife populations are plummeting and countless species are facing extinction.
Unless we stop burning fossil fuels, cutting down our forests and polluting our oceans, we're pretty screwed.
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